Quiz: What's Your Brand Personality?


Target. Nike. Apple. Pepsi.

If reading these names instantly evokes a feeling or memory, you’ve just proved the power of brand persona. Like people, brands without a personality are just plain boring — and that’s exactly why personality-driven branding is important.

Like it or not, we interact with brands on a deeply personal level. Case in point: Have you ever LOL’d at a Progressive commercial? Or shed a tear seeing the Dove ‘real women’ campaign? A human connection was made in those moments, and we have personality-driven branding to thank for that.

One of the biggest challenges I face as a freelance writer is working with clients who haven’t established their brand persona. Sure, you can have the most beautiful logo, the smartest business plan, or the most clever slogan, but if you don’t know who your brand is, you’re screwed. Why? Because your brand must feel human to effectively sell to humans. And when you can think of your brand that way – character traits and all – you’ll shorten the time it takes for your audience to recognize, recall and pay attention to you. (Plus, you’ll make my job wayyyyyy easier. 😉)

Is your brand battling an identity crisis? Take this quick two-minute quiz below to get some clarity.

The Brand Personality Quiz

If your brand walked into a room, it would give a…
1. High five
2. Hug
3. Handshake

Your brand’s favorite outfit would be a…
1. Statement tee and destroyed denim 
2. Sundress and sandals  
3. Pencil skirt and heels 

Your brand would jam out to… 
1. Lizzo  
2. Billie Eilish  
3. “How I Built This” podcast   

At the bar, your brand would order…
1. Jalapeño Margaritas
2. Rosé
3. An Old Fashioned     

Your brand would binge watch…
1. Sex & The City 
2. Gilmore Girls  
3. CNN 

Your brand’s Starbucks order would be…
1. An Iced Caramel Macchiato with a Double Shot Espresso 
2. Earl Grey Tea  
3. A Black Coffee   

Your brand would read…
1. “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero 
2. “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle 
3. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey 

Your brand would vacation in…
1. Miami 
2. Joshua Tree
3. The Hamptons  

Answer Time!

If you answered mostly 1: Your brand is ADVENTEROUS. 
Your brand BRINGS. THE. FUN. It’s bold, outspoken, playful, sassy, spirited, energetic and not afraid to push the envelope. 
Your brand BFFs include: Skittles, Billie, La Croix

If you answered mostly 2: Your brand is ASPIRATIONAL. 
Your brand is often in its feels. It’s sincere, heartfelt, sophisticated, relatable, genuine, emotional and authentic AF.
Your brand BFFs include: Anthropologie, Dove, Third Love

If you answered mostly 3: Your brand is ANALYTICAL. 
Your brand is a straight shooter. It’s smart, traditional, trustworthy, reliable, forward thinking, sophisticated, innovative and factual.  
Your brand BFFs include: Volvo, Microsoft, Uber

Think you’ve got a better idea of your brand identity? Let me know in the comments below!