Three Mindful Ways I Start My Day

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One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my first year of entrepreneurship is the importance of having a morning routine. (That, and how to itemize receipts, but I’ll spare you that blog post.) My job as a freelance writer and photographer means no two days ever look the same - both a blessing and a curse for this Type-A personality. However, mornings are one part of the day where I’ve been able to incorporate some mindful habits, and let me tell you, it’s a game changer! Not only can I create some similarity throughout my week, but following a few simple rules when I wake up actually helps set a positive tone to my workday and boosts my productivity. Win-win!

If you’re looking to change up your routine, here are three tips to help you get started:

1. Start Slow
As a girl who likes to wake up and hit the ground running, making a conscious effort to start slow each day was a tough adjustment. I’ve always been one to read emails or scroll through Instagram the second my alarm goes off. But now I take those first 15 minutes of the morning to unplug and mentally set my intentions for the day.

2. Hydrate
I love starting my morning with a detoxing cup of green tea and immediately following it up with a healthy breakfast. Most days I’ll whip up some peanut butter toast topped with flax seeds and a side of fruit (usually whatever is in season!). I’ve found giving my body the fuel it needs in the morning is one of the best ways to set my day up for success.

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3. Take Five
It’s so important to have a little “me time” each morning, even if it’s just five minutes. I like to focus on a few little things I love to do - flipping through cooking magazines, catching up with my mom via phone or text, or doing a few stretching exercises - and then rotate them throughout the week.

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If you’re looking to make some mindful, healthy changes to your daily routine, my friends at Shawnee Mission Health have some amazing resources on their blog, You can explore Healthy Living Guides, get delicious recipes, explore wellness events and even find a doctor with their doctor/patient match survey.

Just last week, I used their Overland Park Farmers’ Market Guide to find out what to buy, what’s in season and when, and even get storage tips for organic produce. Be sure to give their booth a visit at the Overland Park Farmers Market next time you’re there!

Do you have any mindful living tips or a productive morning routine that you’d love to share? Give me your thoughts in the comments below!

This post is sponsored by Shawnee Mission Health, but all opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make Shanley Cox Creative the best site it can be!